Owen Maxwell is a 12-year old boy with a passion for baseball. Ever since he was 5 years old and attended his first minor league baseball game, he’s been obsessed with America’s pastime. On the drive home from the game, all Owen could talk about was how cool it would be to one day play professional baseball. He spent hours in the backyard practicing his swing and throwing, trying to emulate his favorite players.

Now in middle school and playing on his town’s Little League team, Owen takes his baseball dreams very seriously. His favorite position is pitcher because he loves being the one to call the shots on the mound. However, Owen has been struggling this season with his control and accuracy. He constantly worries that he’s not good enough and his coaches and teammates will lose faith in him.

Desperate to improve, Owen came across an unusual superstition while surfing baseball forums online late one night. He read about various major league pitchers who claimed sleeping with their baseball cards under their pillow helped them channel the skills and talents of those players into their own game. Intrigued, Owen decided it couldn’t hurt to try it out himself.

The next day after practice, Owen stopped at the local card shop on his way home. He spent his allowance and birthday money on packs of cards featuring his favorite hurlers like Clayton Kershaw, Max Scherzer, and Jacob deGrom. That night, he carefully arranged the shiny cardboard rectangles under his pillow before climbing into bed. “Sleep well, greats. Lend me your abilities,” Owen whispered with a smile.


For the next several nights, Owen religiously placed a new rotation of ace pitchers under his pillow each time he went to sleep. During the day, he’d analyze their sabermetric stats and scouting reports, trying to incorporate aspects of their arsenals into his own training regimen. His mom thought the ritual was a little silly yet harmless, while his dad was more skeptical but didn’t want to ruin Owen’s enthusiasm.

To everyone’s surprise, especially Owen’s, the superstition appeared to be paying off on the mound. In his next couple starts, Owen’s control was sharper than ever. He was painting the corners with his fastball and locating his off-speed pitches with pinpoint precision. His coaches and teammates all remarked on the noticeable improvement. Owen’s confidence skyrocketed.

Naturally, skeptics arose who doubted the placebo effect of sleeping with baseball cards. Were the cards truly enhancing Owen’s skills, or was he simply gaining experience that comes with every outing? As a science-minded kid, Owen decided to test the theory more rigorously. For his next start, he chose not to use any cards and see if his performance suffered as a result.

And suffer it did. Without the familiar feel of cardboard under his pillow, Owen reverted to old erratic habits. He couldn’t find the strike zone to save his life. Frustrated, he was pulled early having allowed multiple runs. His teammates tried to reassure him it was just an off day, but Owen knew better. That night, he doubled down on the superstition with a whole infield of cards tucked under his head.


In his return to the mound, Owen was a new pitcher. Armed with the spirit and skills of many past greats, he mowed down the opposing lineup with pinpoint control. The hits were scarce, the strikeouts were plentiful. By the seventh inning, Owen had a no-hitter going and his confidence had never been higher. Thanks to 13 heroes beneath his pillow, he had put it all together. From that point on, Owen became a dedicated believer in the power of his unorthodox good luck charm.

As his Little League season continued, Owen went on a dominant run fueled by the cardboard cut-outs granting him abilities each night. He racked up wins, strikeouts, and the admiration of coaches and scouts. Word began to spread throughout the league of this rising pitching prospect and his strange yet effective ritual. More than stats, Owen gained invaluable experience competing that boosted his skills and reputation exponentially with each outing.

By season’s end, Owen had cemented himself as the staff ace and one of the best players in the entire league. College and pro scouts took notice of his dominance on the bump. But for Owen, it was never just about himself – he felt eternally grateful to the cards beneath his pillow nightly lending him their talents. Without them, he knew he never would have fulfilled his potential or grown so much as a player in such a short time.


As Owen entered high school ball the following spring, bigger challenges awaited. The level of competition was rising along with the stakes. Even so, Owen refused to abandon his lucky charm that helped propel his development. Each night, as always, the greats of past and present nestled under his head continued to empower his abilities on the hill. Whether belief or not, the superstition brought Owen comfort and confidence.

Now a seasoned veteran at the ripe old age of 14, Owen began receiving serious attention from scouts. They were dazzled not only by his electric stuff but advanced pitchability and poise far beyond his years. Thanks to the baseball spirits granting him wisdom each night, Owen handled pressure situations like a savvy vet. The small-town kid with a big dream was becoming a can’t-miss prospect right before everyone’s eyes.

College scholarship offers and even early pro contract talks started coming Owen’s way. After so many years relying on his cardboard comrades, it was hard to imagine life without them bunking under his pillow nightly. As Owen’s future in the sport grows ever brighter, fueled by the talents of many before, he remains fiercely dedicated to his unorthodox good luck charm. Who knows how far it will take this little leaguer turned budding star. One thing is for sure – as long as those cards are by his side each night, the best is yet to come.

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