If you have a collection of older baseball cards that have little to no monetary value, there are still a few things you can do with them rather than just throwing them away. Even though they may not be worth anything financially, those cards still hold sentimental value from your childhood and the memories of collecting them. Here are some suggestions:

One option is to keep the cards and start a personal scrapbook or baseball card album solely for enjoyment and nostalgia. You can organize the cards by team, player, year or any other category that brings back fun memories from when you started your collection. Add other memorabilia like ticket stubs, programs or photos to enhance the nostalgia. Looking through this personal album is a great way to reminisce about your love for the sport and the hobby of collecting even if the cards themselves aren’t monetarily valuable anymore.

You could also consider donating your old baseball card collection to a local library, retirement home, youth organization, school or little league team. While the individual cards may be worthless, as a whole collection they could provide enjoyment and entertainment for others. A library might display them or include them in programming for young children. Retirees may enjoy looking through them and reminiscing about the players and games from their youth. A youth group or little league team might find inspiration from them or use them for educational purposes when teaching kids about the history of baseball. Your donation of the entire collection would allow the cards a second life bringing joy rather than being thrown in the trash.


Another donation option is to give your baseball card collection to a card and memorabilia show organizer. Many towns and cities hold periodic sports card and collectible swap meets, and the organizers are always looking for donations of older collections to sell or include in fundraiser auction packages. Proceeds from sales could go towards charitable causes supported by the show. Your cards may only be worth a few cents each individually, but as a lot they could earn a few dollars for a good cause. It’s also possible a collector at the show could find value or use for your complete set you can’t.

You might also consider trying to sell your old baseball card collection online through a site like eBay. Even though individual common cards from the 1980s and earlier are essentially worthless, you could try listing your entire accumulated set or team collections as one lot. Provide clear photos and an accurate description of what’s included. You never know, there may be a collector looking to complete their childhood team sets who would pay a small amount, like $10-25, for a bulk grouping of unused cards. At least this way there’s an outside chance you could earn a few bucks instead of just getting rid of them. And if they don’t sell, you can always donate the unsold cards.


If there are any unique, valuable, or star rookie cards mixed in with your worthless common cards, it’s worth taking the time to sort through the collection again carefully or even have them evaluated by an expert. On rare occasion, a $500 Mickey Mantle rookie or $100 Ken Griffey Jr. find is discovered amidst junk wax era cards. A card shop may buy individual high value cards or perhaps a full set of a year’s issue if it’s complete enough to have collector interest. But for the average useless common cards, one of the previous donation or resale ideas would be more practical.

Another creative reuse option is to turn your old baseball cards into new works of art. You could create a collage by gluing cards onto a canvas in interesting patterns or images related to baseball. Or cut out individual player photos to arrange into a framed collection. With the right adhesive, cards can also be stuck onto wooden plaques, mirrors, or other surfaces to decorate a game room or man cave. For kids, cards make unique backdrop materials for school dioramas on seasons or famous players when glued to heavy cardboard. There’s no limit to the crafts you can design that give your old cards new life repurposed as wall hangings and sculptures.


If none of those reuse or resale ideas appeal to you, the most eco-friendly solution is to recycle your worthless baseball cards. Carefully break or cut them up so they are not intact and can be more easily broken down. Place the shredded pieces loosely in your recycling bin. The paper stock can be reprocessed into new paper products rather than ending up in a landfill. Be sure to remove any plastic wrappers or sleeves first so only the pure paper goes into your recycling. This way your old cards can continue their existence in a new recycled form rather than taking up unnecessary space in the trash.

Even though worthless common baseball cards from the junk wax era have no monetary value, there are still better options than simply throwing them away. Whether it’s preserving them for nostalgia, donation to worthy causes, attempting resale online, extracting any rare gems that do have value, creative repurposing into crafts, or environmentally friendly recycling – your cards can still have purpose and new life beyond your original childhood collection. Hopefully one of these suggestions provides a use for your baseball cards that allows the memories they hold to still bring a smile.

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