If you have a stack of glossy baseball cards that have become stuck together over time, don’t panic. With the right techniques, you can unstick them safely without causing damage. The key is going slow and being very gentle.

First, you’ll want to examine the stack of stuck cards under good lighting to see how they are fused together. Are only the edges touching or are entire surfaces bonded? Are they tightly compressed or is there some friction between layers you can exploit? Knowing how they are stuck will help determine the best approach.

Next, separate any cards on the outer edges of the stack that aren’t as strongly fused. Start by carefully flexing the sides with gentle traction between your fingers. Try not to force anything that doesn’t want to move with light pressure. Remove any loose cards to reduce overall bulk.


For the stubborn sections, try using the edge of a business card or playing card as a thin object to carefully work between touching surfaces. Slide it along with a sawing motion using delicate strokes. Be aware of potential scratches and go slowly. Repeatedly working thin material between layers can help break suction.

You can also try placing the stuck area face-down on a moistened clean soft cloth for a few minutes. The slight moisture acts as a lubricant to allow easier separation. Make sure the cards don’t get wet – just enough dampness to ease friction. Lift and try flexing every few minutes.

As layers start to detach, you may find a playing card’s smooth surface helpful to aid more complete separation without damage. Gently slide cards apart using the card’s straight edge. Go incrementally, a little at a time, checking for stubborn spots needing slower, more meticulous attention.


If a few cards remain stubbornly fused, you can try placing the stuck area between two clean glass or plexiglass sheets and applying very light compression from either side. The smooth, slick surfaces may pop layers apart where other methods failed. Go lightly – the goal is not to press but simply use the sheets’ smoothness.

For truly difficult spots, you can try a lubricating oil designed for glossy collectibles like baby oil, mineral oil or vegetable oil applied sparingly to friction points. Work it in gently then try flexing/sliding apart. Make sure to wipe away any excess oil to avoid residue.

Be prepared for the possibility a few cards may still stick no matter what. Avoid forcing if resistance is felt – you risk damage. Some small degree of adhesion may have to be accepted on rare stubborn occasions. Overall though, with patience and the right techniques, you should be able to unstick almost any fused stack of glossy cards with no harm done.


The key things to remember are going slow, using light consistent pressure, letting friction do the work instead of forcing, and being meticulous in attention to details and problem areas. Separating a whole batch could take 30 minutes to an hour depending on degree of adhesion, but the cards should come out perfectly usable with no damage if the guidelines here are followed carefully and meticulously. With a little work, even tightly stuck cards can be revived.

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