There are a few different businesses and individuals in and around Bartlesville, Oklahoma who buy baseball cards from collectors looking to sell parts of their collection or unload cards they no longer want. Some of the top options for selling baseball cards in Bartlesville include:

Game On Trading Co – This shop, located at 1103 SE Frank Phillips Blvd, is probably the best place for locals to sell their baseball cards in Bartlesville. Game On Trading Co buys, sells, and trades a wide variety of sports and non-sports trading cards, including baseball cards from the modern era as well as vintage cards. They pay cash for collections or singles in good condition from the 1960s onward and are knowledgeable about the players, sets, and market values. Sellers can expect fair cash offers or store credit when working with the knowledgeable buyers at Game On. The shop has been in business for over 15 years and is trusted by the Bartlesville card collecting community.

Play It Again Sports – For a larger potential buyer, the Play It Again Sports store in Bartlesville at 3416 SE Adams Rd is also worth considering. While their primary focus is used sporting goods, they do buy entire baseball card collections or valuable individual cards brought in by customers. Play It Again Sports will cut cash offers or provide in-store credit to anyone selling cards. Their buyers aren’t experts but can always work with a seller to get ballpark values on a lot and make a fair deal. It’s a good one-stop-shop option for customers also looking to sell other sports memorabilia at the same time as cards.

Read also:  1950's BASEBALL CARDS FOR SALE

Card Sharks Sports Cards & Collectibles – This small home business run by an avid collector named Blake Richardson may be one of the best options for selling high-end, valuable baseball cards in the Bartlesville area. While Card Sharks does not have a retail storefront, Blake actively buys and sells via shows, online marketplaces, and meetings at his home by appointment. He’ll typically pay the highest cash premiums in the Bartlesville area for premiere vintage cards in mint condition from the 1950s-1970s, rare rookie cards, autographed memorabilia cards, and complete vintage/premium sets worth $500 or more. Sellers can contact Blake via his Facebook business page to discuss offerings.


Local Card Shows – Periodically throughout the spring and summer, the Bartlesville Community Center will host regional collectors shows with dozens of vendors selling and potentially buying cards. These are opportunities for locals to lay out tables and directly deal with other collectors attending from throughout NE Oklahoma and SE Kansas. While the individual buyers won’t pay top dollar like a dedicated store, it opens up the sales pool beyond just Bartlesville shops. Shows usually cost $25-50 per table to sell at. Dates are advertised on facebook groups.

Individual Local Collectors – A few serious adult collectors live scattered around Bartlesville who sometimes purchase large collections privately. Two options are Brian Allen (40 years collecting) who can be contacted through Facebook and Chester Hudson (25 years collecting, Red Sox fan) whose number is available through community sports leagues he coaches for. While not dedicated shops, these collectors often have the cash to acquire big lots and could evaluate your collection for a fair price.


Online Sales – For sellers who don’t mind more work, listing cards individually or collections for sale on online marketplaces like eBay is an option. It opens the pool to interested buyers nationwide rather than just locally. Shipping/packing costs and fees need factored in, and it takes more time listing/responding to messages. Higher value vintage rookie cards $100+ often sell best that route.

Between the local shops, shows, and collectors in Bartlesville – there are certainly avenues available for residents looking to sell parts of their baseball card collections. With a bit of calling around, a motivated seller should be able to find a fair potential buyer and get a reasonable cash offer or store credit for their cards within the city or surrounding area of Bartlesville, Oklahoma.

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