eBay – eBay is likely the largest online marketplace for selling individual baseball cards or entire collections. Some key aspects of selling on eBay:

Listing cards individually or in lots is an option. Taking high quality photos of the front and back of each card is important.

eBay takes a final value fee that is usually around 10% of the final sale price plus a small listing fee. Fees vary based on the category.

Payment is received through PayPal upon a buyer purchasing the item. Funds are usually available within a couple of days.

eBay has a large, established user base of buyers searching for cards. Getting cards listed with competitive prices and utilizing marketing tools like Best Offer can help drives sales.

Sellers need to package items securely for shipping and provide tracking to the buyer. eBay will mediate any disputes over item condition or delivery issues.


There is no monthly cost to sell on eBay, just the final value fees per transaction. Storage and shipping of orders is the responsibility of the seller.

Sportscard Forum – This is a popular message board community for sports collectors. Within the forums are classified sections where cards can be listed for sale:

Listings include a description, photo, price and condition details. Buyers then contact the seller directly to arrange payment and shipping.

No fees are charged by the site to list items for sale. Transactions are handled privately between buyers and sellers.

Sellers ship the item themselves and are responsible for resolving any post-sale issues. Product has already been vetted by the forum community.

Traffic and sales tend to be on a smaller scale than eBay. Best suited for moving higher priced individual cards or collections.

Read also:  BEST BASEBALL CARDS OF 1970s

COMC (Cardboard Connection) – COMC is an online consignment marketplace specifically for trading cards, comics, memorabilia and other collectibles:

Items are shipped to COMC’s warehouse where they professionally photograph, grade if applicable, and list each item for sale online.

Sellers choose a percentage of the final sale price that goes to them, with the remainder kept as commission by COMC.

COMC handles customer service, payment processing, and shipping of all items. Funds are sent to sellers on a regular weekly or monthly schedule.

Large selection of cards available all in one storefront. Buyers often use to fill holes in sets without worrying about condition issues.

Storage and listing fees apply but no transaction fees. Good option for liquidating large collections over time.

Facebook Groups/Marketplace – There are many local and general trading card Facebook groups and the Facebook Marketplace lets users list items for sale:


No fees associated with listing items. Transactions handled solely through messaging between buyer and seller.

Limitations of no photo storage on Facebook and risk of scammers exist without buyer/seller protections like eBay.

More suited for moving individual high-value cards locally where people can meet in-person or verify condition before purchase.

Much smaller potential buyer pool versus online marketplaces but good for testing value of local collections.

There are also sport-specific auction sites like Lelands and Heritage Auctions suitable for rare, vintage cards that could fetch higher prices. EBay and COMC are likely the top choices overall for moving most baseball card collections online due to established buyer bases, fees, and seller protections.

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