There are a few trusted options to consider when looking to grade baseball cards near you. The major grading companies like PSA, Beckett Grading Services, SGC, and HGA all have authorized third party grading submission centers located throughout the country that can handle submitting cards on your behalf to be graded by the main company.

One of the largest authorized PSA submission centers is Collectors Universe in Sarasota, Florida. While they are located in Florida, they acceptsubmissions from collectors nationwide. Once you package up your cards and ship them to Collectors Universe, they will quality check and submit the cards to PSA’s main facility in California on your behalf. This is a convenient option if you want to use PSA grading but don’t want to ship directly to them. Collectors Universe charges submission fees starting around $10-15 per card depending on the turnaround time you select.

If you are located on the west coast, one centralized option near many collectors is Collector’s Cache in Pasadena, California. They are an authorized submission center for PSA, BGS, SGC, and HGA. Since they are California based, it can save on shipping costs versus sending cross country if using one of the main grading companies. Collector’s Cache also offers lower submission minimums of just 5 cards if using express turnaround options. Their fees start at $12 per card.


For east coast collectors, there are two submission centers worth considering – Atlanta Sports Cards in Atlanta, Georgia and Collectors Gallery in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Atlanta Sports Cards is a PSA, BGS, SGC authorized grader and grader of vintage sets. They charge $12 per card with reasonable turnaround times. Collectors Gallery is an authorized PSA and BGS submission center located close to the East Coast population centers. Their fees are $10-15 per card depending on service selected. Both are very reputable options.

Another option for collectors across the country is to use online submission services like Certified Collectibles Group or Collectors Universe Online Submissions. These allow you to ship your cards directly to their warehouses instead of an individual grading center. From there they consolidate submissions for the major grading companies and take care of the shipment and submission paperwork for you. Fees are usually in the $10-15 range per card depending on turnaround time selected. This is a simple option that doesn’t require shipping to a specific grading center location near you.


For collectors interested in using SGC specifically for their lower cost grading option, some great SGC authorized resubmitters to consider include Sports Card Place in Lancaster, Pennsylvania and All-Star Grading in Chula Vista, California. Sports Card Place charges $7.50 per card while All-Star Grading is $10 per card, both very affordable SGC submission options. These centers are great choices for budget conscious collectors using SGC grading services.

A popular online option for vintage/premium cards is Vintage Card Storage. Based in Oceanside, California, they specialize in high end submissions to PSA/BGS/SGC. Their vintage premium service with pleating and custom storage is around $30-40 per card but ensures superb care and presentation for valuable vintage cards. They have a solid reputation among advanced vintage collectors.


No matter which grading service or submission center you choose, do your research to verify they are properly authorized by the grading company in question. Also check reviews from other collectors to gauge satisfaction levels and customer service reputation. With so many reliable options spread nationwide at different price points, there is sure to be a great grading submission center located near most collectors seeking to professionally grade and encapsulate their prized baseball cards. Let me know if you need any other details in your search for the best nearby grading service.

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