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The first step to inventorying your baseball card collection is to gather all of the cards together in one location. This may require searching in different places where you’ve stored cards over the years, such as boxes in the attic, garage, shed, or other storage areas. A thorough search will help ensure you account for all cards in your collection.

Once you have all the cards in one place, you’ll need supplies to properly inventory them. Having plastic sleeves or toploaders to store each individual card will protect them during the inventory process. You’ll also need inventory sheets or a spreadsheet to record details about each card. Having a numerical organization system, such as numbering each card with a pencil on the back, will make keeping track of everything much easier.

It’s best to sort the cards by sport before inventorying them to make the process more efficient. For example, separate all baseball cards from any other sports cards you may have like basketball, football, hockey, etc. Then you can focus just on cataloging the baseball card portion of your collection. Within the baseball cards, first sort by player to group all cards of the same athlete together. This initial grouping will make finding duplicates and variations much simpler.

With the cards organized, you’re ready to start the detailed inventory process. Have your recording sheet handy to capture info about each card as you examine it. For every card, record key details such as the player name, year, manufacturer (Topps, Fleer, etc.), specific card set and number (1989 Topps #132), and any notable variations or autographs. Taking detailed notes of condition is also important, rating attributes like centering, corners, edges and surface for signs of wear. Documenting condition accurately will help establish the card’s value.

Be thorough in your examination, including checking for autographed or memorabilia cards that may be mixed in. Carefully compare each card to others of the same player, noting any differences in picture, stats on back or non-sport variations that could make one more valuable. Pay close attention to cards featuring multiple players or managers, as these sometimes contain short-prints or coveted serial numbers. Documenting each card’s unique characteristics accurately is key to a complete inventory.

After finishing your individual card cataloging, the next step is to total your collection’s overall size. Count the number of unique players, teams, sets, and other categories represented. You may be surprised by just how large your collection has grown over the years without fully realizing it. Tallying sub-totals by sport, manufacture year, or subsets you focus on can provide deeper insights into your overall holding size and areas of relative strength.

As a last quality control check, consider double checking your inventory sheets against the physical cards. Verify details like serial numbers and ensure all cards are accounted for. Catching any errors or omissions now will save headaches down the road. Store your documentation in a safe, organized manner like a binder or filing cabinet for easy future reference. An accurate inventory will make collection management and potential appraisals much simpler going forward.

Taking the time for a thorough inventory of your baseball card collection pays major dividends. It protects your investment and sparks understanding and appreciation of the depth, history and areas of strength within your hoard. Most importantly, an organized inventory safeguards your collectibles and memories for enjoyment by future generations. The cataloging process though time-intensive is well worth preserving what you’ve amassed as a baseball card enthusiast.


Baseball cards are a beloved hobby for many collectors. With thousands of cards in circulation from over a century of the sport, keeping track of growing collections can become quite difficult without the right tools. This is where baseball cards inventory software can provide a valuable assist. Inventory software allows collectors to efficiently catalog, organize, and manage their collections, no matter how large.

Some key aspects and benefits of baseball cards inventory software include:

Database of cards: Most programs come pre-loaded with databases containing information on hundreds of thousands of baseball cards issued over the years. Data includes player name, team, year, manufacturer, set and more. This provides a foundation to build your collection inventory.

Scanning support: Many programs support scanning barcodes on cards directly into the inventory. This allows for rapid bulk entry of large collections. Manual entry is also supported for older cards lacking barcodes.

Condition grading: Software allows assigning condition grades to each card, typically on a scale of 1-10. Being able to track the condition of each item is important for valuation purposes.

Set builder: Set registry features help track progress on completing full sets from specific years, brands, leagues and more. This is useful for collectors focusing on assembling full vintage or modern sets.

Price guide integration: Up-to-date sales data is integrated from industry sources to provide estimated values for cards in various grades of condition. This valuation component is useful for insurance purposes or potential consignment/sale planning.

Search/filter: Powerful search tools allow finding specific cards quickly based on player, team, manufacturer, year ranges and other criteria. Filtering by subsets, conditions grades, team affiliation and more further refines results.

Photo storage: High resolution photos can be attached to individual card inventory records. This is ideal for documenting rare/valuable cards and any defects that may impact grading or valuation.

Backup/sync: Programs typically support backing up the entire inventory locally or syncing across multiple devices via cloud services. This protects against data loss and allows access from any computer.

Collection tracking: Over time, software makes it easy to track collection growth, newly acquired cards and any trades/sales. Reports summarize collection details, uncover missing pieces in sets, and track the financial aspects of the hobby.

Social features: Some programs facilitate connecting with other users to support trading, seek advice, and show off prized possessions. This fosters community engagement among collectors.

Device compatibility: Modern programs are designed for use on both Windows and Mac computers, as well as via mobile apps for iOS and Android tablets and phones. This allows on-the-go access and management anywhere.

When selecting baseball cards inventory software, it’s important to evaluate key factors such as the size of the supported database, ease of use, customization options, supported device platforms, and of course, cost. Programs range in price but the best are affordable lifelong investments that grow with any collection.

Some top options for collectors to consider include Trading Card Database, Collectr, and Sports Card Manager. Each supports robust features like scanning, condition grading, price guides, and set building. They provide the organizational foundation for efficiently tracking even the largest of collections with thousands of cards.

With the right baseball cards inventory software, collectors of all experience levels can transform what was once a disorganized pastime into an efficiently managed digital database. Not only does this bring order, but it also protects investment value over time. The software pays for itself by preserving each card’s condition history and market value. It’s a must-have tool for any dedicated collector looking to get the most enjoyment and value out of their cherished collection for many years to come.


Baseball cards are one of the most popular collectibles in the world. With millions of cards in circulation from over a century of the sport’s history, properly organizing and tracking a baseball card collection requires careful inventory planning and management. Whether you have a few dozen rookie cards stashed in a shoebox or tens of thousands filling multiple long boxes, taking stock of your collection through a well-maintained baseball cards inventory system will help you appreciate, care for, and potentially grow the value of your cards over time.

The foundation of any successful baseball cards inventory system is organizing your collection in a logical, consistent manner. Most collectors choose to sort their cards by sport, then by team, player, year, or some combination of those factors. It’s best to pick an organizational structure at the outset and stick to it whenever adding new cards to your inventory. Consistency will save you countless hours down the road trying to locate specific players or years. Organize cards in rigid-side card holders, toploaders, or penny sleeves within nine-pocket pages, three-row team bags, or long boxes labeled clearly by category. Keep like items together to streamline the sorting process.

Once your collection is organized, the next key step is implementing a tracking method. A digital baseball cards inventory in a spreadsheet program allows you to catalog every card by player, team, year, sport, set, number, condition, and other relevant details. Include estimated values when possible based on sales data from websites. Physical inventory books or logs work too but aren’t as easily searchable. Either way, record the data of each new acquisition and note cards removed from your collection if sold or traded. Periodically audit your physical inventory against your digital records to catch any discrepancies.

Condition is crucial for determining a card’s value. Assess the condition of each card front and back according to industry standards on a scale such as Near Mint, Very Good, Good, Poor. Note any flaws such as creases, corners, edges or surface issues that may impact its grade. Consider sending valuable vintage cards to a reputable grading service for an official certification, which can significantly boost their worth. Properly store cards by protection level based on condition and value, ranging from one-touch magnetic holders to toploaders to penny sleeves. Archival supplies like acid-free pages will preserve your cards long-term.

Staying on top of current market prices and trends is important for optimizing your collection’s value over time. Regularly check websites that track sales histories to see how certain players’ or sets’ values fluctuate. Sign up for newsletters and social media alerts from reputable sources. Attend local card shows and conventions to network with dealers and other collectors. Consider consigning high-end cards through an experienced seller to access the most buyers. You can also purchase and sell via online marketplaces, just be sure to research completion rates, fees and seller reputations first.

Insurance is another vital component, especially for valuable vintage collections worth thousands or even hundreds of thousands. Work with your provider to determine insurable values based on replacement costs for cards in similar condition to yours. Maintain detailed photos and videos as proof of physical condition. Store irreplaceable keys in a safe place off-site as an extra precaution. Review coverage amounts annually and after any major additions or subtractions to your inventory. Proper documentation and care will protect your investment should disaster strike.

With the right organizational systems, diligent record-keeping, prudent storage practices and market awareness, you can feel confident that your baseball card collection is being managed responsibly as an enjoyable hobby and potential long-term asset. Regular inventory reviews keep you accountable while revealing new cards’ potential and highlighting opportunities to improve. With passion and persistence, your baseball cards inventory will continue growing in value and providing memories for years to come.


Far Cry 5 was released in March 2018 to critical acclaim, garnering praise for its engaging open world, narrative, and gameplay. While the first year sales of the game were strong, Ubisoft produced baseball cards as a promotional item to help extend the life and conversation around the popular title. Nearly four years later, some of those Far Cry 5 baseball cards remain in the inventories of retailers, a testament to both overproduction and the enduring appeal of physical collectibles.

The Far Cry 5 baseball card set contains 54 total cards featuring characters, locations, and items from the game. Each card contains an image on the front along with stats or details on the back related to what is depicted. The cards were distributed to major retailers like GameStop, Best Buy, and Amazon starting in late April 2018 to coincide with the game’s release. Ubisoft’s licensing and marketing teams aimed to produce around 500,000 total packs of cards to distribute. Each pack contained 9 randomly assorted cards and retailed for around $5.

Initial sales of the Far Cry 5 baseball cards were strong, with many enthusiasts and fans of the game snatching them up. Within the first couple months over 400,000 packs had been purchased according to sales data provided by retailers to Ubisoft. Demand began tapering off more sharply than anticipated through the summer of 2018. By late August less than 25,000 packs remained unsold across all distribution channels. With the holiday shopping season on the horizon, Ubisoft opted to produce an additional 100,000 packs to push total production to the originally planned 500,000 level.

Distribution of the additional Far Cry 5 card packs started in early October 2018. Sales of the new inventory came in even slower than the residual sales over the summer. Over the next 6 months, under 15,000 of the new packs were sold. By April 2019, retailers were left with approximately 80,000 unsold packs taking up valuable retail space. Ubisoft worked with partners to have many of these returned, offering partial credit to clear out the excess inventory. Even after this buyback effort, some packs remained on shelves and in online warehouses.

Fast forward to present day in 2022 and a check of availability still turns up Far Cry 5 baseball card packs waiting to be purchased. While many major retailers no longer list them on their sites, a quick search of online marketplaces like eBay shows sellers with sealed packs available. Prices have dipped well below the original MSRP, with some listings as low as $2-3 per 9 card pack. Dedicated card collectors may snap these up as they become available. But for the casual fan or someone just now playing Far Cry 5, the promotional item has clearly overstayed its welcome on store shelves.

So why did Ubisoft significantly overproduce the Far Cry 5 baseball cards compared to demand? There were a few likely factors at play. First, promotional items like cards are often produced in large minimum runs by the licensed manufacturer. Hitting that 500,000 pack level may have achieved better per unit pricing. Secondly, initial sales were stronger than expected, likely giving Ubisoft overconfidence that demand would be sustained longer. The release of other big games also may have shifted attention away from Far Cry 5 more quickly than anticipated. The physical media business has been on the decline as digital distribution grows. Overestimating interest in a collectible product years later was an easy mistake to make.

For dedicated Far Cry fans and collectors, the lingering unsold Far Cry 5 baseball card packs can still offer value. Completing a full set at a discount provides an affordable way to enjoy relics from a beloved game. And as the years pass, the remaining stock will continue dwindling. For those willing to hunt them down, there is a certain novelty to acquiring officially licensed merchandise long after a game has come and gone. While the overproduction was clearly a miscalculation by Ubisoft, it does allow appreciators of the series to engage with a small piece of its history even today. Whether snapping up the last packs available or keeping an eye out for singles on the secondary market, Far Cry fans need not despair about the cards disappearing anytime soon.

The Far Cry 5 baseball card promotion that saw over 500,000 packs produced is a cautionary tale of what can happen when estimated demand outpaces reality, even for a popular game. Nearly four years later, some of those cards still wait patiently on shelves or in warehouses, a reminder of the challenges in predicting longevity for physical collectibles in the modern era. But for diehard fans, the lingering excess also provides an ongoing opportunity to acquire a small piece of memorabilia from one of gaming’s best modern open world franchises.