Tag Archives: cougar


Cougars, also known as mountain lions or pumas, are one of the most iconic animals that players encounter in Far Cry 5. Roaming the forests, fields, and mountains of Hope County, Montana, cougars pose a threat to the player as they explore the open world. Cougars also play another unique role in Far Cry 5 – they are featured on collectible baseball cards that can be found throughout the game.

These cougar baseball cards provide interesting facts and details about the big cats while also feeding into Far Cry 5’s themes of Americana and baseball. With vibrant cartoon illustrations of cougars on the front and baseball card-style stats and bios on the back, the cards add flavor and lore to the in-game world. Finding and collecting all the cougar baseball cards also rewards players with perks and bonuses.

There are a total of 15 unique cougar baseball cards that can be found in Far Cry 5. Each card features a different male or female cougar, giving them names like “Slugger”, “Fastball”, and “Grand Slam.” The back of each card provides made-up stats for that cougar such as speed, jumping ability, and stealth. It also includes a brief bio with fun details, like one cougar that “loves long walks in the redwoods and pouncing on unsuspecting deer.”

The cougar baseball cards are scattered all across Hope County, hidden in various locations both outdoors and indoors. Players can stumble upon them randomly during exploration, or find clues to their locations online or in game guides. Common spots to discover cards include abandoned buildings, cult outposts, fishing shacks, and tucked away in the wilderness. Locating each new card provides both a fun collectible and some experience points.

Finding all 15 cougar baseball cards in Far Cry 5 rewards the player with the “Ace” achievement or trophy. It also unlocks the “Cougar Master” perk, which improves the player’s abilities when hunting and interacting with cougars. Benefits include increased pelt values, a higher chance of critical strikes, and the ability to occasionally call cougars to fight by your side. For players who enjoy big cat hunting or are completionists, seeking out every card is very satisfying.

The creative cougar baseball cards are a quirky example of how Far Cry 5 incorporates Americana into every aspect of its gameplay. They add personality and backstory to the cougars roaming Hope County while also playing with baseball card collecting tropes. Finding each new card as the player explores is like discovering a hidden nugget of in-game lore. The rewards for obtaining all 15 keep players motivated to hunt high and low for every elusive card. Whether used for combat assistance, trade, or just admiration, the cougars of Far Cry 5 and their baseball cards are a unique part of the game’s experience.


Far Cry 5 introduced baseball cards as a collectible item that provided backstories for some of the characters and locations found throughout Hope County, Montana. One of the more intriguing sets of baseball cards focused on the cougars that roamed the wilderness areas. While cougars, also known as mountain lions or pumas, are elusive predators that usually avoid human contact, the cards provided a fun way to learn more about these big cats and the roles they played in Far Cry 5.

There were 10 cougar baseball cards that could be found throughout the world of Hope County. Each card featured a different cougar and gave some details about its characteristics, hunting habits, and territories. For example, the “Ace” card showed a large male cougar with distinctive dark markings around its face. According to the back of the card, this cougar had a large territory spanning from Whitetail Mountains to the Henbane River and was considered the dominant predator in that region, keeping other cougars and wolves at bay.

Other cards depicted cougars like “Lightning” who was known for its speed and ability to take down deer with lightning-quick ambushes. “Shadow” was a stealthy female cougar that rarely left tracks and could disappear into the forests with ease. “Lone Wolf” was a solitary older cougar that had been driven from its pack but still found ways to bring down larger prey on its own. Each card provided a name, short biography, and stat ratings for attributes like size, hunting prowess, and elusiveness to give the cougars more distinct identities and personalities.

In addition to details about individual cougars, the baseball cards also contained interesting facts about cougar ecology and behavior. For example, the backs of the cards explained that cougars are solitary animals with vast territories that can range from 30-150 square miles depending on habitat and prey availability. They are ambush predators that stealthily stalk their prey, usually deer but also smaller animals like rabbits, before delivering a powerful killing bite to the back of the neck or head.

The cards noted that while cougars will sometimes scavenge carcasses, they are primarily skilled hunters capable of bringing down prey many times their size. Their thick fur ranges in color from tan to grayish-brown and provides effective camouflage in the rocky landscapes and forests they inhabit. Additional facts covered cougar reproduction, lifespan, population declines due to human encroachment on habitat, and conservation status.

Collecting all the cougar baseball cards allowed players to piece together the predator/prey dynamics and ecosystem at work across the expansive maps of Hope County. It was clear the cougars played an important role at the top of the food chain, keeping deer and other herbivore numbers in check through persistent hunting. Their territories were increasingly threatened by the expanding cult activities of the Project at Eden’s Gate. Several cards hinted at confrontations between cougars and Peggie patrols that did not always end well for the big cats.

Finding all the cougar cards was a challenge, as they were tucked away in remote areas across all three regions. Players needed to thoroughly explore forests, mountains, and riversides to track them down. Once a full set was collected, it provided a fascinating virtual field guide to the cougars inhabiting Hope County. The baseball card format made dry ecological facts more engaging while bringing these elusive predators to life with their own distinct profiles. It was one of the most creative and educational collectible pursuits in Far Cry 5.

While cougars kept to the shadows and avoided people in real life, the baseball cards in Far Cry 5 shone a light on these magnificent creatures and helped players learn more about their roles in the game’s virtual wilderness. It was a fun way to experience the intricate predator/prey relationships at work across Hope County’s diverse ecosystems from the safety of the digital world. Even years after finishing the main storylines, players still remember tracking down “Ace,” “Lightning” and the other cougars thanks to the compelling narratives and conservation messages told through their unique baseball cards.