When building your baseball card collection, one of the biggest questions collectors face is what to do with duplicates, lower value cards, or cards of players you no longer want to hold onto. While you can try selling them yourself online through platforms like eBay, that takes time and effort. Another option is to find places near you that will buy your baseball cards.

Card shops are often the best place to look first for selling baseball cards near your location. Card shops specialize in buying, selling and trading all types of trading cards, including baseball cards. They have the expertise to evaluate your cards and make you a fair cash offer. Most card shops buy collections large and small. Before visiting, it’s a good idea to organize your cards by sport, year or set to make the sales process more efficient. You’ll want to bring any particularly valuable rookie cards, relic cards or autographed cards to the front of your collection for the shop owner to review first.

When visiting card shops, be prepared to only get a fraction of what your cards may be worth if you were to individually sell each high end card. Stores need to make a profit when reselling your cards, so their offers will reflect that. The convenience of a bulk sale and getting cash in hand that day makes it worthwhile for many collectors. Consider popping into a few local card shops armed with your organized collection to see which offers you the best price. Shop owners can also help you determine if you have any gems in your collection that may be worth listing individually online.

Read also:  TOP 25 BASEBALL CARDS OF THE 90s

In addition to card shops, some larger retailers with trading card sections like comic book stores or nostalgia shops may also purchase baseball card collections. It never hurts to call around to local businesses like these that cater to collectors to ask if they do buy cards. Again, the key is having your cards neatly organized beforehand to make the process as smooth as possible. You’ll want to get clear on their pricing structure upfront – whether it’s by the pound, thousand card lots, or a flat percentage of estimated value.

Pawn shops can also be a viable option for selling baseball cards near you, as many pawn shops now specialize in buying and selling sports memorabilia and collectibles including cards. The advantage of pawn shops is they tend to have more flexible pricing structures than specialized card shops, offering the potential for a higher payout if you negotiate well. Pawn shops likely won’t have the same expertise as card shops to really analyze the value of rare cards. So you run more risk of potentially underselling something special without realizing.


Online consignment stores are another way to get the most money for your baseball card collection without doing all the legwork of individual online sales yourself. Websites like Collector’s Cash, Consignment Kings and Max’s Cards allow you to send in your entire collection which they will then market and sell the individual cards for you on popular auction sites like eBay. These sites take a percentage commission of 20-30% off the final sale price. But as with card shops, this full-service model saves you time while still getting reasonable value based on current market rates for your cards.

Sports card and memorabilia conventions or card shows are perfect opportunities to sell cards in bulk to multiple buyers at once. Look for regularly scheduled card shows happening in your area on websites like SportsCollectorsDaily. At conventions, you’ll find dozens of card shop owners, collectors and resellers all looking to purchase collections. With sellers competing against each other, you may be able to get higher offers than at a single shop. You’ll pay a small table or marketing fee, but then have an entire day to sell your collection. Bring plenty of appropriately priced cards to utilize your selling time efficiently.


Some other offbeat but potential places worth asking include national used bookstore chains that may buy cards in with store credit if valuable enough, local used sporting goods stores, antiques malls with collectibles dealers, coin and stamp shops (which sometimes handle cards too), auction houses, and dedicated sports memorabilia or nostalgia resale shops. Don’t forget online marketplace sites like Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace or OfferUp too for trying to sell your entire lot locally to another collector in your area.

For finding the best places near you that take baseball cards, focus first on calling specialized card shops and stores as well as researching any local card shows or conventions. Pawn shops and larger retailers are other backup options that could provide you cash for your duplicates and lower value cards conveniently. Just be sure cards are organized beforehand and get clear on purchase policies like pricing structures and minimum lots. With a little homework, you should be able to sell off parts of your collection efficiently to build space and funds for continuing your baseball card hobby.

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