Baseball lineup cards are an essential part of the game at all levels of competition. For high school baseball games played under National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) rules, the proper submission and use of lineup cards is critically important. NFHS rules provide specific guidelines on how lineup cards must be completed and utilized during contests. Understanding these rules ensures fair play and helps contests run smoothly from start to finish.

Under NFHS rules, each team is required to provide their official lineup card to the game administrator, usually the home plate umpire, at least 30 minutes before the scheduled start time of the game. Lineup cards must include each player’s name next to their jersey number as well as indicate the starting lineup batting order. Players who will be used as substitutes or pinch runners should also be included on the card.


Names and numbers must be completely and legibly written in ink so there is no confusion about who is in the game at any time. Printed or typed cards are also acceptable as long as all information is clearly presented. Coaches should double check cards for accuracy and make any necessary corrections well before presenting them to officials. Once approved and kept by the home plate umpire, the cards become the official record of eligible players for each team.

NFHS rules specify that the batting order submitted on the lineup card must be followed for the entirety of the game barring substitutions. Batters must come to the plate in the listed sequence unless replaced by a pinch hitter or pinch runner. Pitchers and any other defensive players not in the starting lineup may enter the game at any point as long as their name also appears on the lineup card.


For pitchers in particular, NFHS pitching substitution rules must be followed regarding when and how often they may re-enter the game. Their appearance on the lineup card simply signifies eligibility rather than confirming compliance with specific NFHS pitching limitations. Coaches should always be cognizant of NFHS rules regarding defensive substitutions and pitcher re-entry.

Official scorer(s), usually provided by the home team, will use the lineup cards to track statistics and record the official box score of each contest. Scorers log the batting order along with any substitutions and their positions in the defensive half-innings. It is vitally important lineup cards are filled out correctly and comprehensively so scorers can accurately detail playing participation for each athlete.

Lineup exchanges before games serve another important NFHS function – helping to prevent the use of ineligible players. Umpires and opposing coaches will use the starting lineup cards to verify no player taking the field is being used in violation of eligibility rules covering age, attendance, seasons of participation and other factors. Any discrepancies should be addressed before play begins to avoid potential protests or forfeiture.


In keeping with the overarching NFHS goals of prioritizing education and sportsmanship over competition, rules require coaches, players and substitutes to be clearly listed and identified on starting lineup cards. This transparency helps ensure contests occur fairly between teams comprised only of eligible athletes. Completed lineup cards handed to umpires 30 minutes in advance also assist the smooth administration of high school baseball games from start to finish. Following NFHS guidelines provides structure for balanced competition with an emphasis on learning life lessons through interscholastic sports.

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