The first thing you need to do is gather your supplies. You will need the following items: rubbing alcohol or nail polish remover containing acetone, cotton balls or makeup removal pads, paper towels, plastic or wax paper to protect surfaces, tweezers (optional).

Start by laying down the plastic or wax paper on your work surface to protect it. This could be a table or desk. The surface needs to be flat and durable enough to withstand scrubbing. You want to protect it in case any wax residue gets onto it during the cleaning process.

Take one cotton ball or makeup removal pad and soak it with rubbing alcohol or nail polish remover containing acetone. Acetone is the key ingredient as it is highly effective at dissolving wax. Rubbing alcohol also works well but may take longer to fully remove stubborn wax buildup.


Gently place the saturated cotton ball or pad onto the waxy area of the baseball card. Apply light pressure and rub in a circular motion. You may need to scrub quite vigorously on tough wax spots. Be careful not to rub so hard that you damage the card surface.

Keep replacing the cotton with fresh ones soaked in the solvent as needed. You may go through several cotton balls to fully remove built-up wax in problem areas. Be patient and persistent.

Tweezers can help for scrubbing in small, hard to reach spots if necessary. Just be very gentle so as not to crease or damage the card.

Periodically lift the cotton ball off the card to check your progress. The wax should start dissolving and coming off onto the cotton. Keep scrubbing until the surface is completely wax-free and clean.

Use a dry paper towel to wipe away any remaining wax residue or excess solvent once scrubbing is complete. Check the card surface under good lighting for any lingering wax spots that may need further scrubbing.

Take your time and don’t get discouraged if particularly stubborn wax is difficult to fully remove. With repeated scrubbing, the acetone or alcohol solvent will break down and dissolve all the wax over time.

When fully clean, lay the card on a dry paper towel to air dry completely before handling or storing. The solvent needs to fully evaporate off the surface.


Be sure to properly dispose of all used cotton balls and paper towels as the solvents are flammable. Don’t flush them down drains. For touch-ups on smaller spots going forward, a Q-tip soaked in solvent is usually sufficient rather than scrubbing with cotton balls.

With patience and the right cleaning solvents and tools, you can restore old baseball cards coated in unsightly wax buildup. Just work carefully to avoid damaging the card surfaces in the process. Proper cleaning can revitalize faded card images and signatures underneath layers of grime. Always store cards in acid-free plastic protector sleeves or toploaders after to prevent future waxing issues. With some effort, your vintage baseball card collection can be restored to like-new condition once more.

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