In Far Cry 5, players can collect baseball cards that are scattered throughout the game’s expansive open world of Hope County, Montana. Collecting all of the cards unlocks an additional baseball card themed region on the game’s map called Baseball Town. Baseball Town is a hidden area that provides players with additional side missions and collectibles beyond the main story campaign.

There are a total of 50 baseball cards that can be found throughout Hope County. Cards are located in various areas like buildings, vehicles, lockers, and even buried in the ground. Finding all of the cards requires thoroughly exploring every region of the map. Some cards are in plain sight while others require searching hidden or out of the way areas. Players who want to unlock Baseball Town will need to spend time meticulously combing the entire map.

Once a player has collected at least 40 cards, a new mission will appear called “Baseball Town Bound” which unlocks fast travel access to the hidden region. Baseball Town is located on the northern edge of the map, just north of the Holland Valley region. The area looks like an abandoned baseball themed town with a baseball diamond and run down stadium at its center.


Upon arriving in Baseball Town for the first time, the player’s character will make a comment about how creepy and eerie the empty town feels. The atmosphere is very different from the other areas of Hope County which are usually bustling with NPC civilians or enemy cultists. Baseball Town appears to have been abandoned for a long time.

In addition to its eerie atmosphere, Baseball Town also features additional missions, enemies, and collectibles beyond the main game. There are 3 new side missions that can be picked up from NPCs within the town. These missions involve tasks like destroying propaganda speakers, rescuing hostages, or eliminating enemy outposts. Completing the missions awards the player with perk points, cash, and loot.

Baseball Town is also home to a new enemy faction called “The Screamers”. These cultists dress in creepy baseball uniforms and masks. They are much more heavily armed than the average cultist encountered elsewhere in Hope County. The Screamers put up a tough fight and travel in large squads. Eliminating all of the Screamers in the area is another optional objective for players.


Aside from missions and enemies, Baseball Town also contains 10 additional baseball cards that were missed elsewhere on the main map. Finding these bonus cards helps players fully complete their collection. Other collectibles like prepper stashes, letters, and arcade games are also tucked away in the abandoned buildings and ballpark. Completionists will want to thoroughly scour every inch of Baseball Town.

The creepy and mysterious vibe of Baseball Town makes it one of the most memorable hidden areas in Far Cry 5. Its design as an abandoned baseball themed ghost town fits perfectly with the overall eerie and unsettling atmosphere cultivated throughout the game. The additional content, from new enemies and missions to bonus collectibles, gives players incentive to search the entire main map in order to unlock this secret region.

Baseball Town acts as a nice reward for thorough explorers. Its isolated location on the northern edge of the map also gives the sense that the player has discovered a hidden gem. Returning to Hope County’s normal areas almost feels boring after experiencing the unsettling vibe of Baseball Town. The hidden area is a great example of how Far Cry 5 provides rich environmental storytelling and rewards patient players who take the time to fully explore its expansive open world setting. Finding and experiencing Baseball Town is definitely a highlight for completionists playing Far Cry 5.

Read also:  1978 BASEBALL CARDS PSA

The Baseball Town region of Far Cry 5 acts as an excellent hidden extra for players who take the time to collect all 50 baseball cards scattered throughout the game’s vast Hope County map. Its creepy abandoned baseball town atmosphere, additional side missions and enemies, and bonus collectibles give players incentive to thoroughly search every nook and cranny. Baseball Town’s memorable and mysterious design makes it one of the most interesting secret areas found in any open world game.

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