Baseball scorekeeping is a time-honored tradition that allows fans to keep a permanent record of the game as it unfolds. While scorecards were originally just simple sheets to tally runs, hits, errors and pitch counts, modern scorecards have evolved into detailed templates that provide statistical breakdowns of player and team performance. Whether you want to score a major league game on TV or keep stats for your kid’s Little League matchup, printing out a scorecard is an easy way to get started in scorekeeping.

There are many free baseball scorecard templates available online that you can print at home. These templates range from basic to advanced in the level of detail they provide. The simplest cards just have columns for the teams playing, innings along the left side and space to mark runs, hits and errors. More involved templates break down stats by batter and pitcher. The most detailed cards even have sections for defensive positioning and advanced metrics like walks, strikeouts and stolen bases.


When choosing a template to print, consider what level of detail you want to track. Basic cards are best for casual scoring while watching a game. More advanced templates allow obsessive statheads to compile robust data for each player. It’s also important to pick a template sized appropriately for a standard 8.5×11 sheet of paper. Templates with too many columns or stats won’t print legibly on a standard page.

A good all-purpose scorecard template for most amateur or professional games has the following elements: space along the left for innings 1-9, columns for the home and away teams, sections to mark runs scored that inning, an area to tally hits and errors for each half-inning, and rows below to log pitching changes and substitutions. Advanced versions break out sections within each half-inning to track individual batters and pitchers.

Once you’ve selected a template, download and open the file on your computer. Most scorecard templates are available as PDFs that can be viewed and printed directly. Some may come as image files that need to be opened in a program like Paint or Photoshop first to print. Check that the template prints clearly on your printer without being cut off. You can always resize or reformat the file as needed before sending it to print.


After printing your scorecard, the next step is gathering supplies to score the game. The basic tools are: several pencils with good erasers (in case of mistakes), a pen for final totals, and maybe a highlighter. Some scorekeepers also bring a program or roster to reference player numbers and stats. It’s also a good idea to print an extra scorecard in case you need to start a new sheet mid-game.

Now you’re ready to start scoring! The process involves watching the game and marking runs, hits, errors, substitutions and pitching changes on your scorecard as they occur. Take your time and be as accurate as possible – the goal is to end up with a complete statistical record of the game. With practice, you’ll get faster at tracking the action live. Don’t worry about advanced metrics like batting average on your first few attempts – focus on the basics and have fun!


Scoring an entire baseball game takes dedication, but the final product is a unique souvenir of the contest. Printed scorecards allow you to preserve box scores and stats that would otherwise be forgotten. They also give a new perspective on the strategic and statistical elements of the sport. With some trial and error, scoring can become an engaging new hobby that deepens your baseball fan experience. So grab a template, gather your supplies and get ready to log your first full game – you’ll be hooked on scorekeeping before you know it!

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