Baseball cards have been a staple collectible for decades, with kids and adults alike finding joy in amassing complete sets or chasing down rare finds. In Ubisoft’s open world first person shooter Far Cry 5, baseball cards take on a whole new meaning as they serve as collectibles the player can hunt down throughout the expansive fictional Hope County, Montana setting. With over 100 unique baseball cards to discover, finding them all provides an engaging side activity for players to pursue when not focused on the main story missions.

The cards are scattered throughout every region of Hope County, hidden in buildings, tucked away in abandoned vehicles, or occasionally out in the open landscape just waiting to be picked up. Each card features artwork depicting either a fictional Hope County baseball player or team on the front, with fictional stats and biographies on the back. While just collectibles with no real in-game benefits, obtaining a full set provides that sense of completionism that drives many gamers. It also rewards exploration of the map as cards can be found in nearly every structure the player encounters.


In each of the three main regions – Falls End, Holland Valley, and the Whitetail Mountains – the baseball cards take on distinct visual styles that match the aesthetic of the area. The Falls End cards have a retro 1970s design with bright colors and fonts, fitting for the more laid back fishing town atmosphere. Holland Valley’s agricultural focus is reflected in its cards featuring rustic landscapes and farmers on tractors. Meanwhile the militant Whitetail Militia is represented with militaristic looking cards that have a worn, battle damaged appearance.

Even the fictional teams and players portrayed match the regional vibes. Falls End is home to the “Fishers” team with players like “Slugger Dan” and “Pitchin’ Pete” featured. Holland Valley cards spotlight the “Harvesters” and farmhands with names like “Wheat Weeder Wilson.” And the Whitetail cards highlight the “Rebels” squad with tough looking characters with monikers like “Sniper Sam” and “Demo Deke.” The level of verisimilitude and attention to regional detail in the baseball card designs is quite impressive.


In addition to the regular collectible cards, there are also several ultra rare and unique cards that stand out. This includes special “Nick Rye Baseball Cards” featuring the likeness of character Nick Rye in various poses and uniforms. Finding all of Nick’s cards is a fun nod to the character. There’s also alternate reality “Resistance Cards” that portray the main villainous cult leaders like Joseph Seed and Jacob Seed on baseball cards, a darkly humorous twist. And the rarest card of all is the legendary “Big Leaguer Burke,” which can only be found randomly in one specific house in all of Hope County.

Tracking down all the baseball cards provides hours of exploration across Far Cry 5’s expansive open world. Players will need to thoroughly search every nook and cranny of buildings, examine vehicles inside and out, and even scout the landscape itself to find cards tucked away in remote areas. Multiplayer co-op allows friends to team up and help each other find cards as well. The collectible also encourages replay, as new locations and cards will be discovered with every return trip to Hope County.


While just a side activity, the baseball card collecting mechanic exemplifies how Far Cry 5 filled its world with engaging ways to reward exploration. It’s a fun retrospective nod to childhood pastimes of collecting sports cards that also reflects the regional identities of each area. For completionists or those who simply want to fully experience everything the game has to offer, tracking down all the hidden baseball cards of Hope County makes for an very memorable experience. The level of authenticity and care put into the card designs is quite impressive. It’s a collectible that truly enhances Far Cry 5’s already outstanding open world.

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