While millions of baseball cards were printed in the late 19th and early 20th century, only a select few are worth anything significant on today’s market. Whether due to rarity, condition, or association with an iconic player, here are 89 baseball cards that could be worth a decent amount of money depending on grade.

1909 T206 Honus Wagner – The crown jewel of the hobby, this is arguably the most valuable trading card in existence. In gem mint condition, it has sold for over $3 million. Even well-worn examples in poor condition can fetch five figures.

1952 Topps Mickey Mantle – The first Topps card of the Commerce Comet and one of the most iconic in the set. High grades have sold for over $100,000, with the record at $275,000.

1933 Goudey Babe Ruth – One of the earliest modern issues depicting Bambino. Near mint copies have sold for $150,000+.

1914 Cracker Jack Honus Wagner – A precursor to the legendary T206 set. High grades could be worth $50,000+.

1948 Leaf Jackie Robinson – Robinson’s rookie card and one of the most culturally significant in sports memorabilia. Near mint copies have sold for over $100,000.

1948 Bowman Ted Williams – The Splendid Splinter’s rookie card from the first modern set. High grades have topped $90,000.

1913 T205 Silver Ticket Eddie Plank – One of the rarest pre-war issues. Known copies are scarce and high grades could top $50,000.

1969 Topps Nolan Ryan – The Ryan Express’ first card as recognition was growing. High grades have topped $15,000.

1957 Topps Hank Aaron – Before breaking the home run record, Aaron was already a star. High grades have topped $10,000.

1961 Topps Roger Maris – Depicts Maris after breaking Babe Ruth’s single season home run record. Near mint have sold for over $7,500.

1951 Bowman Willie Mays – The Say Hey Kid’s iconic rookie card from the vintage set. High grades have topped $25,000.


1956 Topps Mickey Mantle – Considered one of Mantle’s best and most popular cards. Near mint have sold for over $5,000.

1909 T3 Turkey Red Cabinets Nap Lajoie – One of the earliest tobacco cards. High grades of Lajoie could be worth $20,000+.

1909 E90 Allen & Ginter Nap Lajoie – Another rare early issue of the star second baseman. Near mint have topped $15,000.

1933 Goudey Dizzy Dean – Captures the charismatic Dean before his prime. High grades have sold for over $7,500.

1914 Cracker Jack Eddie Collins – Collins was a star of the Deadball Era. High grades could be worth $10,000+.

1910 E90 Allen & Ginter Walter Johnson – Showcases the Big Train early in his Hall of Fame career. Near mint have sold for $7,500+.

1909 T206 Sherry Magee – One of the more scarce cards in the landmark set. High grades could be worth $10,000+.

1954 Topps Willie Mays – Considered one of the better Mays cards from the 1950s set. Near mint have topped $5,000.

1951 Bowman Jackie Robinson – Another iconic rookie card issue of baseball’s color barrier breaker. Near mint have sold for over $4,000.

1975 Topps Nolan Ryan – Captures Ryan’s no-hitter against the Orioles. High grades have topped $3,000.

1956 Topps Sandy Koufax – Shows the lefty before his dominant run in the 1960s. Near mint have sold for $2,500+.

1959 Topps Hank Aaron – Early depiction of the future home run king. Near mint have sold for over $2,000.

1933 Goudey Lefty Grove – One of the premier pitchers of the 1930s. High grades have topped $2,500.

1948 Bowman Stan Musial – The St. Louis great’s rookie card from the pioneering set. Near mint have sold for $2,000+.

1954 Topps Willie Mays – A strong on-card image of the Say Hey Kid. Near mint have topped $2,000.

1909 E90 Allen & Ginter Walter Johnson – Another early tobacco issue of Johnson. Near mint could be worth $2,000.


1954 Topps Sandy Koufax – One of the better Koufax rookie cards. Near mint have sold for over $1,500.

1933 Goudey Lou Gehrig – Captures the Iron Horse before his record streak. Near mint have topped $1,500.

1954 Topps Willie McCovey – The Giants slugger’s iconic rookie card. Near mint have sold for $1,200+.

1957 Topps Hank Aaron – Early depiction of Aaron as he approached stardom. Near mint have topped $1,000.

1956 Topps Don Drysdale – Rookie card of the Dodgers hurler and future Hall of Famer. Near mint have sold for $1,000+.

1933 Goudey Mel Ott – Shows the Giants outfielder in one of the classic 1930s sets. Near mint have topped $1,000.

1933 Goudey Jimmie Foxx – Depicts the Athletics slugger in his prime. Near mint have sold for $1,000+.

1909 E90 Allen & Ginter Eddie Collins – Another early tobacco issue of a star second baseman. Near mint could reach $1,000.

1974 Topps Nolan Ryan – No-hitter against the Twins depicted. Near mint have sold for over $800.

1955 Topps Willie Mays – Strong on-card image of the Say Hey Kid. Near mint have topped $800.

1956 Topps Don Drysdale – Early depiction of the Dodgers ace. Near mint have sold for $750.

1933 Goudey Al Simmons – Shows one of the stars of the 1930s A’s. Near mint have topped $700.

1951 Bowman Willie Mays – Another issue of the rookie sensation. Near mint have sold for $600.

1933 Goudey Joe Cronin – Depicts the player-manager of the 1930s Senators. Near mint have topped $600.

1957 Topps Mickey Mantle – Iconic shot of the Mick. Near mint have sold for $500+.

1956 Topps Sandy Koufax – Early depiction of the lefty’s rise. Near mint have topped $500.

1933 Goudey Chuck Klein – Depicts the home run hitting outfielder of the 1930s Phillies. Near mint have sold for $500.

1933 Goudey Earl Averill – Shows one of the stars of the 1930s Indians. Near mint have topped $500.


1933 Goudey Lefty O’Doul – Portrays the veteran outfielder-manager. Near mint have sold for $400+.

1933 Goudey Bill Dickey – Depicts the Yankees catcher during his prime. Near mint have topped $400.

1933 Goudey Joe Cronin – Another issue of the player-manager. Near mint have sold for $400.

1933 Goudey Goose Goslin – Captures the Athletics outfielder late in his career. Near mint have topped $400.

1933 Goudey Chuck Klein – Another issue of the slugging outfielder. Near mint have sold for $350.

1933 Goudey Earl Averill – Depicts the star Indians outfielder. Near mint have topped $300.

1933 Goudey Heinie Manush – Shows the veteran outfielder late in his career. Near mint have sold for $300.

1933 Goudey Earl Webb – Portrays the speedy second baseman of the 1930s Red Sox. Near mint have topped $300.

1933 Goudey Jimmie Foxx – Another issue of the Athletics slugger. Near mint have sold for $250.

1933 Goudey Joe Cronin – A third Cronin card from the classic set. Near mint have topped $200.

1933 Goudey Lefty Gomez – Captures the Yankees ace pitcher. Near mint have sold for $200.

1933 Goudey Mel Ott – Another depiction of the Giants outfielder. Near mint have topped $150.

1933 Goudey Earl Averill – A third Averill card. Near mint have sold for $150.

1933 Goudey Lou Gehrig – Shows the Yankees slugger in the early 1930s. Near mint have topped $100.

1933 Goudey Earl Webb – Another issue of the speedy second baseman. Near mint have sold for $100.

1933 Goudey Goose Goslin – Depicts the veteran outfielder late in his career. Near mint have topped $75.

1933 Goudey Heinie Manush – Captures the veteran batter late in his career. Near mint have sold for $75.

1933 Goudey Jim Bottomley – Portrays the Cardinals veteran first

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