The 1993 Leaf Series 2 baseball card set broke ground as one of the earlyinserted premium card releases of the 90s. While insert sets had begun to emerge the previous decade, it was in the early 90s that they truly took off in popularity among collectors. The 1993 Leaf Series 2 was among the pioneers that helped spark this collecting trend.

Released in late 1992/early 1993 by Leaf Trading Cards (which was later acquired by Upper Deck), the 162 card Series 2 set featured parallel insert cards paired with the base Leaf cards from that same year. What made the inserts unique was that they featured popular Leaf artists and were inserted randomly in packs at a rate of about 1:12 packs. This scarcity and randomness created excitement any time collectors potentially encountered one of the coveted parallel inserts in their packs.

Some of the iconic artists who contributed memorable cards to the 1993 Leaf Series 2 included Richie Schembri, Thomas Herring, Mike Long, and Steve Chesnoff. Schembri’s detailed paintings were fan favorites, while Chesnoff brought his cartoon-style flair. Mike Long brought his hyperrealism skills, and Thomas Herring offered impressionistic renderings. Each artist lent their own distinct style to immortalizing baseball’s biggest stars of the early 90s such as Griffey Jr, Bonds, Glavine, and more.


While the base Leaf set focused more on action shots, the inserted parallel cards emphasized portrait close-ups and imaginative concepts. For example, Richie Schembri painted an ominous forest scene for George Brett’s card, placing him alone amid haunting trees. Steve Chesnoff drew Ozzie Smith lurking almost invisibly behind bars like a jailbird waiting to escape. Mike Long captured Ken Griffey Jr mid-home run swing with photorealistic precision. The creative freedom afforded by being inserts allowed for more artistic expression compared to traditional base sets.

For collectors in the early 90s, finding one of these coveted insert parallel cards was a true thrill of the hobby. Their scarcity and higher-end production quality immediately marked them as premium and desirable items. While the base Leaf cards could typically be had for a couple dollars or less, the inserts commanded premium prices upwards of $20-50 each or more for the most sought-after players. This disparity helped cement their mystique as highly collectible chase cards, especially for superstars of the era.

Read also:  1989 TOPPS BASEBALL CARDS 70

In the decades since, the 1993 Leaf Series 2 inserts have only grown in esteem among vintage collectors. Their artistic renderings are considered some of the most iconic and memorable parallel cards from the early insert card boom. While production numbers weren’t greatly limited compared to modern ultra-shortprinted parallels, their roughly 1:12 insert ratio made finding specific players a challenge. Today mint condition copies of star players like Barry Bonds, Greg Maddux, or Ken Griffey Jr consistently earn prices well over $100 on the secondary market.

For set builders, completing the full 162 card Series 2 collage with all the inserts present is a true achievement. Not only was it difficult to assemble them all in the early 90s through regular pack searches, but keeping a full set intact in high grades over 25+ years is an monumental task. A few elite collectors have succeeded, but for most the 1993 Leaf Series 2 remains a coveted vintage cardboard puzzle still missing some pieces. Overall their mix of classic baseball imagery, memorable artists, and insert scarcity have secured the 1993 Leaf Series 2 parallel cards a cherished place in the hobby.


WhileLeaf Trading Cardswas focusedon insertsand parallels inthe early90s,their 1993regular basecard setshouldn’t beoverlooked either. With its sharp, colorful photography and classic designelements reminiscent ofFlagship brands, the 1993 Leaf base issometimesunderratedcomparedto its insertedcounterparts. Featuringprominent playerslikeBonds,Griffey Jr., Madduxand more, the1992Leaf standardissuecards remainsolidbasicfiller forsetsand collections alike.

The 1993 Leaf Series 2 baseball card release was truly ahead of its time in ushering in the modern insert parallel collecting trend. With its creative artistic renderings by top contributors like Schembri, Herring, Long and Chesnoff paired with the allure of randomly inserted premium cards, it captured collectors’ imaginations during the early 90s boom. Their scarcity and enduring fanfare has steadily increased values, especially for star players. Over 25 years later, the 1993 Leaf Series 2 parallel cards continue to be cherished as one of the most iconic and desirable early insert sets among vintage collectors. Their innovative concept helped define premium card collecting for decades to come.

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