One of the best places to get old baseball cards appraised is at a local card shop that specializes in trading cards. Local card shops will typically have experienced staff that have extensive knowledge about the values and conditions of vintage baseball cards going back decades. They likely deal with appraisals on a regular basis and can give you an expert assessment of your cards. When taking cards to a local shop, it’s a good idea to call ahead to make sure they have someone available who can take the time to properly appraise your collection. Be prepared to leave your cards with them for a day or two if they need more time to research values. Most reputable local card shops will provide either a free verbal appraisal or a small fee-based written appraisal that you can take with you.

If there aren’t any local card shops convenient for an in-person appraisal, you can contact reputable card grading companies to get an appraisal for a fee. Two of the largest and most respected third-party card grading services that also offer appraisal services are Professional Sports Authenticator (PSA) and Beckett Grading Services (BGS). Both have extensive online databases of sold card prices they can reference to determine estimated values based on similar graded cards. They can appraise individual cards or entire collections. PSA and BGS generally charge around $15-25 per card for their appraisal service, which provides you with a written letter detailing estimated values. Some key advantages of using a professional grading service is their appraisals will reflect current active market values and you can be confident in their expertise level. It does require sending your cards through the mail.


For particularly rare and valuable vintage baseball cards, especially those in top condition that could be worth thousands or even tens of thousands, you’ll want to consult with expert authenticators and auction specialists. Companies like Heritage Auctions and SCP Auctions employ staff third-party authenticators who can thoroughly inspect and authenticate cards. They also stay on top of results from their own auctions and industry sales to provide the most accurate assessment of estimated values. Auction houses will charge more for their specialist appraisal services, often a percentage of the appraised value, but it gives you a professional expert opinion you can rely on for very valuable cards. They may also be able to better inform you on whether sending a card to PSA or BGS for grading makes financial sense before a potential sale.


Another reputable option is to contact professional sports memorabilia and collectibles appraisers. There are individuals and companies that specialize specifically in appraising all types of historical sports cards, autographs, uniforms, and other related items. They’ll typically charge hourly fees for their time spent researching values and writing a formal, detailed appraisal letter you can use for insurance purposes. Some to consider are Joel Buchanan Appraisals, Barry Halper Collections, and James Spence Authentication. For truly exceptional pieces, an appraisal by a recognized expert in the field carries significant weight should you ever consider selling at auction down the line.


No matter who you use, it’s important to properly protect and insure valuable cards after getting an appraisal. Most reputable appraisers recommend placing appraised cards in acid-free holders or albums, and keeping them in a cool, dry place away from direct light which can accelerate aging. You’ll also want to have documentation of the appraisal should you need to file an insurance claim. With some research to find the right professional, getting old baseball cards appraised can give you a very accurate assessment of their current value and best options for preservation or sale.

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