Magic: The Gathering planeswalkers have always captured fans’ imaginations as some of the most iconic and powerful characters in the multiverse. While players can collect them as trading cards in MTG sets, what if these mystical mages and heroes faced off in a different arena – America’s pastime of baseball? That’s the creative concept behind this series of imaginary “planeswalker baseball cards” depicting MTG planeswalkers in the roles of baseball players.

We start with one of the most legendary planeswalkers of all – Jace Beleren, the Living Guildpact. As one of the most gifted telepaths in the multiverse, Jace would be a shoe-in as the team’s star shortstop with his mental acuity and dexterity in the field. His card depicts him flashing a cocky smile in a Dominaria Dodgers uniform, citing his impressive .320 batting average and knack for turning double plays with his mind. Scouts praise his “uncanny baseball IQ” and say he has “the quickest hands in the league.” While Jace loves to show off on the field, some teammates find him too narcissistic – he’s always talking himself up as “Magic’s greatest hitter.”

Shifting gears, we come to fiery Chandra Nalaar playing the role of pitcher. Her card for the Ravnican Reds shows off her blazing fastball and gutsiness on the mound. Those who’ve faced her 100mph heat know not to doubt her competitive fire and say she “challenges batters like they’ve never been challenged before.” Opposing batters quake at the sight of her windswept mane of red hair and the sparks of pyromancy dancing off her fingertips as she winds up. When frustrated, she’s been known to torch the ball or even singe an umpire, but her 18 wins are hard to argue with. Her fierce intensity and “burning desire to win” make her a dangerous weapon on the rubber.


For cleanup hitter with serious power, look no further than Garruk Wildspeaker of the Zendikari Giants. His hulking physique is depicted crushing baseballs into the stratosphere, with stats citing his whopping 50 home runs and 150 RBIs. Scouts gush that “the ball jumps off his bat like it’s been hit by lightning” and that “he’s single-handedly changed the long ball meta in the league.” Some note he struggles with control when the curse takes over, once ramming teammates with his massive arms in a fit of bestial rage. But on his good days, his strength and natural athleticism make him a veritable “monster in the box” no pitcher wants to face.

Staying on Zendikar, we turn to the speedster Nissa Revane tearing up the basepaths in a Giants uniform. Her card shows off her slender elven physique gliding across home, exemplifying her uncanny 80 stolen bases on the season. Whether rounding third and diving headfirst into home amid a cloud of dust or stretching doubles into triples with her woodland cunning, Nissa deploys her rapport with vivimancy to give her a speed and body control that outpaces anything on two legs. Opponents rip her for being “slippery as an eel,” while managers value her ability to “single-handedly manufacture runs” with gambits on the basepaths. With Nissa hurling ahead and Garruk slugging behind, the Giants have a formidable 1-2 combo at the top of the order.

And what Multi-colored team would be complete without the vivacious Liliana Vess holding down third base? Her Rakdos Rabble picture depicts her crimson lips curled in a sinister grin as she guns down a runner at first. In the stats, she’s leads the league in putouts and boasts a .986 fielding percentage, with critics calling her work at the hot corner “simply flawless.” While her nightcraft can unnerve teammates and opponents alike, coaches appreciate her ability to “sow chaos in opponents’ minds” to force mistakes. Some question if she relies too heavily on necromantic tricks to get an edge, but 15 defensive runs saved don’t lie – Liliana is as lethal with the leather as she is with her power.


For a more noble representative of good, we have Ajani Goldmane playing first base for the Selesnya Serenes. His card shows off his regal white mane and bulging goldenseal arms scooping throws out of the dirt. Scouts love his selfless “real leader” attitude and praise his skills for “lifting up the players around him.” While less flashy than others, his .312 average and stalwart defense provide quiet steadiness in the infield. If anyone can buoy team morale with inspiring speeches and smack a few timely dingers, it’s the Pridemate. With Ajani as team captain setting the example of solidarity and community, the Serenes are undoubtedly the classiest franchise in the league.

No team would be complete without a catcher to anchor the pitching staff, and who better than Elspeth Tirel ? Her Phyrexian Purifiers photo has her squat behind the dish, grim determination in her steely eyes as she calls the shots. A stalwart veteran, Elspeth doesn’t often swing but makes her presence felt through nimble defense, throwing out 45% of basestealers. Pitchers relish “her unshakable faith” in their abilities and say she holds them “accountable but believes in their strength.” With her leadership and warriors’ spirit, the Purifiers seem poised for postseason glory. Opponents know that coming to the plate means dealing with Elspeth’s unyielding will standing in the way between bases.


And finally, as team ace and staff ace, who better to turn to than Tamiyo, the Moon Sage? Her Innistrad Institigators trading card depicts her serenely windmilling pitches with a cryptic smile. With a 24-5 record, 2.05 ERA and 238 strikeouts, she dominates with her tricky repertoire of spells, illusions and dimensional shifts. No one has yet deciphered the secrets of her “bewildering arsenal” or predict which of her four arms will deliver the next knuckle-curve. While aloof and inscrutable, there’s no doubting Tamiyo’s mastery reflects years of wandering the planes. With this hallowed hurler at the front of the rotation, any team has a shot at bringing home a ring.

With this dream team lineup of super-powered planeswalkers suiting up on the diamond, fans would be in for non-stop action and magical mayhem. From Jace’s mind games to Chandra’s fireballs to Garruk’s thunderous home runs, each player puts a fantastical flair on the field. While their powers may raise questions of fairness, their competitiveness and love of the game would surely resonate with players and fans alike. In this imaginary baseball league, alters could be ripped, bases might disappear in illusory warps, and the skies rain fire – but the multiverse would have a new sort of battleground to enjoy the thrill of nine innings. Now if only we could get Wizards of the Coast and Major League Baseball to make these planeswalker baseball cards a reality…

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