Selling your baseball card collection can be a great way to make some extra cash, especially if you have some rare and valuable cards. Figuring out the best way to sell your cards can be tricky. While you can certainly sell cards through traditional methods like card shops, card shows, online auctions sites, or person-to-person, mobile apps provide a convenient new option for selling cards directly to collectors.

There are several baseball card apps that aim to connect collectors and allow them to buy and sell cards easily. Here are some of the top apps for selling your baseball cards in 2022:

Collector’s Universe Marketplace App (Formerly PSA Slab App) – This app from grading company Collector’s Universe allows you to list PSA/DNA graded cards for sale. It’s mainly focused on modern graded cards but does have some vintage as well. The app makes it easy to look up recently sold prices to help price your cards. You set the price and handle shipping yourself if a card sells. Feedback is left on seller profiles so buyers can feel secure. This is a top option for graded cards.

CardFlip – CardFlip is one of the largest and most popular mobile apps for buying and selling sports cards of all kinds, including baseball cards. You can take photos of your cards directly within the app and list them for sale. CardFlip handles payment processing and ships the cards if they sell. They take a small commission fee from completed sales. The app interface is clean and easy to use. Many collectors use this as their primary marketplace.


COMC (Collectors Universe) App – Like the PSA Slab App, COMC (formerly allows you to sell cards through their mobile app. They have a large user base of buyers already. You send your cards to COMC to be photographed and listed. If they sell, COMC handles payment and shipping for a commission fee. This is best for larger sellers who want to move volume.

eBay App – eBay is still a major player for sports card sales even with newer apps. The eBay app makes it simple to list cards for sale with photos. You set the price and handle transactions yourself. eBay has millions of users already searching for cards so your listings get good exposure. Just be aware of eBay and PayPal fees. Photos are crucial for selling on eBay.

TCDB App – Short for Trading Card Database, the TCDB app allows you to look up baseball card values and scan or enter cards to build a collection registry. You can also list individual cards or entire collections for sale and connect with potential buyers. While the marketplace is smaller than the top few apps, it’s still a reliable option for dedicated collectors.


COMC, CardFlip, and Collector’s Universe apps are likely the top three options overall for selling baseball cards through mobile apps due to their large user bases and seller-friendly features like payment processing and shipping. The eBay app provides great exposure too since it taps into eBay’s massive audience. Be sure card photos are high quality on any app. Also consider pricing cards 5-10% below recently sold comps to attract buyers. With the right app and pricing strategy, you can easily sell off your baseball card collection from your phone or tablet.

In addition to individual card sales, some apps are better suited for selling entire baseball card collections at once. Sites like COMC and Collector’s Universe allow you to send in your entire collection to have it photographed, organized, and listed as one package. This is ideal if you want a simple turnkey solution to liquidate a large collection without having to list cards individually. Just be aware you’ll pay higher commission fees versus selling cards separately.


For vintage cards from the 1950s-1980s in particular, it’s usually best to sell key high value singles rather than an entire vintage collection. Modern graded rookie cards or star cards from the 1990s-present can do well being sold as a lot since there is strong collector demand for complete sets. But for vintage, discerning what individual gems you have and selling them separately will maximize your profit potential versus one bulk sale.

Whichever app you choose to sell your baseball cards on, be sure to take clear, well-lit photos that showcase the card condition. Clean or have higher value cards professionally graded if possible too before listing to add value. Also do your research on recently sold prices so you understand the fair market value and don’t overprice your cards. With the right pricing and presentation on a major baseball card app, you should be able to move your collection and make a nice profit in the process. Mobile apps have made selling sports cards easier than ever for collectors looking to liquidate parts of their collection.

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