One of the most common ways to get baseball cards autographed is by attending baseball games and card shows. When attending games, keep an eye out for opportunities to get cards signed before or after the game by players. Often times players will sign autographs for fans if you are able to get down by the dugouts or clubhouses as they are arriving or departing. Having cards on hand to get signed makes it much more likely you’ll walk away with autographs. Another good time is during spring training when there are often fewer fans and more opportunities to interact with players.

Many major and minor league teams also hold dedicated autograph sessions throughout the season where a few players will come out and sign for a designated period of time, usually for a modest fee. Checking team websites or calling the stadium is the best way to find out schedules for these events in advance so you can plan accordingly. Larger card shows that feature ballplayers also provide autograph opportunities. Players are often paid a fee by the show promoter to attend and will sign for fans for an hourly rate or per autograph charge.


If you are unable to attend games or shows in person, there are mail-in autograph options as well. Companies like Steiner Sports and Fanatics facilitate autograph signings where you can purchase autographs and they will handle the shipping and authentication process for you. There are catalogs of available players and their signing rates. Be prepared for higher costs versus getting autographs in person given logistical and payment processing fees involved for the signers and companies.

For rarer and more sought after autographs from star players, your best bet is often through a reputable third party authentic autograph dealer. Search online sites like eBay completed listings to get a sense of current market rates for different players and levels of authentication available like on-card versus signed photo included. Dealers provide a safer transaction than a private seller and more assurance of legitimacy through authentication certificates. The tradeoff is significantly higher costs, sometimes several hundred dollars or more per signature depending on the player.


Getting creative in your autograph pursuit can also yield results. Through social media, you may be able to personally contact lower level minor leaguers or retired players to discuss arranging a signing of your cards through mail for a reasonable fee. Networking through hobby and collectors’ groups online and in-person is another avenue to explore deals. And do not underestimate the power of a handwritten letter with a couple nice cards included to catch the eye of a former player who may take time to sign if appropriately compensated for postage at minimum. Patience and persistence often pay off over time for elusive additions to your collection.

For maintaining the integrity and value of your autographed cards, be sure to have the items witnessed or get them authenticated and encapsulated in plastic holders with certification paperwork. Third party authentication from respected companies like PSA, Beckett, or JSA adds validity should you ever want to resell. Without independent authentication, there are unfortunately many forged autographs out there that hold no value. Protect your investment and take the necessary steps to ensure the autographs you work hard to obtain are 100% guaranteed as signed by the player featured on the card.


Whether attending games, events, working with dealers, or getting creative on your own, with some focused effort it is absolutely possible to build an impressive collection of autographed baseball cards. The thrill of the chase in hunting down signatures and meeting some of your favorites makes it a very fun hobby as well. By keeping costs reasonable, conducting safe transactions, and properly authenticating your items, you can happily enjoy your signed card collection for years to come knowing their authenticity is verified. With determination, the opportunities are out there to obtain autographs from your favorite players.

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